Friday, September 25, 2009

test 5

test 5
where: Telegraph Hill Blvd
when: Thu 18:00 - 27.Aug.09,-122.405913

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Don't forget to teabag.

Yeahh..keeping track of what I ate sure didn't last long.

I've been sinking deeper into the world of MMORPGs lately. There's a kind of satisfaction..a presumably very delayed satisfaction in playing. The entire lifespan in the game is spent grinding, that is to repetitively perform the same menial task for hours on end. Eventually, the character is strong enough to handily slay every enemy and look good doing it. Anyone with tens, hundreds of hours could do it.

I'm definitely more of an FPS guy. First Person Shooters are to me the most fair and balanced form of gaming. Everyone starts the game with only their gun and their wits. There is no value added to the character because they are all the same. No legendary weapon refined from a thousand shards of ____. No armor gained through 50 hours of trading. Every gun does the same damage, and everyone dies the same.

What separates the strong from the weak isn't free time, it is a deeper understanding. In hunting prey, one must think like the prey. Leading fire into his strafe path, cutting him off at his destination before he gets there. Each map, each battlefield has it's own personality, it's own quirks and secrets. Where is the best vantage point if X enemies are concentrated at Y? If I were the enemy, where would I flank?

Eventually, one gets to know each map, each weapon better than the back of his own hand. As that happens, the field seems to shrink. No longer is the player moving across the map, but rather placing himself where he can point his weapon and pull the trigger. I find that at the point where I disassociate the weapon I hold as an actual weapon, the game becomes something else. It is something that I point at someone, then they die and I get points.

In that, I find my Gaming Nirvana.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

09 0703

I ate humble pie.

CoD: WaW
Map Pack 2 was merged into rotation. Double XP weekend runs till July 6th. Grab your controllers.
XBL - BR Trooper 05

Thursday, July 2, 2009

09 0702

1 bowl rice + bbq pork
1 can grass jelly drink
1 gyro
1 cup aloe drink
1 bowl rice + pork chop

1 hour light walking

09 0701

1 bowl cereal + milk
1.75 liters orange juice
10 macadamia nuts
2 bowls rices + bbq pork

1 hour light walking

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

09 0630

1 bowl cereal + milk
1 tea egg
2 cups orange juice
2 bowls rice + pork chops

1 day of sitting at the computer

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

09 0629

4 lettuce, tomato, ham sandwiches
1 popsicle
3/4 serving apple glazed salmon
3 cups orange juice
2 bowls rice + salmon

45 minute walk around Ikea

Sunday, June 28, 2009

09 0628

2 bowls cereal + milk
4 pieces chicken tenders
2 bowls rice + salmon

3 hours biking

Today was tiring and rewarding. We biked from Chinatown down to the Embarcadero, then across the Golden Gate bridge to Sausalito. On our way back, we took the Fort Baker path to cross under the bridge and came back. My calves feel like butter. Heavy, heavy butter.

09 0627

2 bowls cereal + milk
1 lemonade popsicle
16.9 oz aloe drink
3 shu mai
1.5 bowls rice + fried eggs

45 minute car wash
1.5 hour walking

I'll need a hair cut soon if it's going to be this hot every day. And more popsicles. Mmm..